About Me

Enjoying the ride!

Who: Brian Hanson – Freeland, WA (Whidbey Island)

Where: From MN, moved to WA in 1991

What: Rivendell, lugs, steel, randonneur, mountain biking, commuting, camping, just riding, photography

When: Now and into the future, but trying to remember the past good stuff!

Why: Bliss

7 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi! I love your hunqapillar, it looks like you have a tubus rear rack? Mind sharing what rack exactly and how you like it? Thanks!!

  2. Jay Jacobsen said:


    What size and type of fenders are you running on the Velo Routier with the Hetre tires? I read a blog post by Cycles Toussaint regarding the tight fit of fenders with 42mm tires. You still seem to have ample tire-fender clearance with the Hetres through…

    – Jay

  3. Hi Brian, I also enjoyed reading your impressions of the Cycles Toussant and had a quick question regarding brakes: Have you ridden the bike off road? I’m in the market for a new rando/all-rounder and do lots of steep descents on dirt. I realize all out power isn’t everything and am very curious as to how the Dia-Comp 750s perform on the braze-on posts. Thanks in advance and best to you.


    • Owen – the brakes have great modulation, but you will get better off-road stopping with linear brakes or discs. I have a steep downhill that I take daily, and I am much more comfortable with my linear equipped bike. Both stop me, but I’m squeezing for my life on the 750s 🙂

  4. Hi Brian,

    Thank you for the Cycles Toussaint posts. Both Evan and I are grateful for the info and news you post. Please let us know how we can support you and your followers as we both have a passion for cycling and the community at large.


    Cycles Toussaint
    Ride your Journey

    • Thanks, guys! It’s been a good bike so far – I’ve taken it on a couple brevets, and plan to do a 300k in a week or so. Speedy and comfortable. Great handling. Couldn’t ask for more…


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